The objective of this work package is to undertake the necessary management and coordination actions for the THERAMIN project, including periodic project coordination meetings, preparation of periodic technical and financial progress reports to the EC, maintenance of a project website. It will also coordinate inputs and review of project outputs by waste management organisations and waste owners, which will ensure that project research is well directed and addresses the needs of end users.
WP2: Strategic review of radioactive waste streams (lead: Galson Sciences Ltd)The objective of this work package is to evaluate the potential for thermal treatment of particular waste streams across the EU, including consideration of where the greatest benefits from EU-wide collaboration may be realised. WP2 will identify what kinds of waste could be treated and with what benefit in terms of waste product, what are the volumes of waste at stake, what are the capabilities of available treatment technologies, and what would need to be done to realise thermal treatment of specific waste streams in each country. The potential barriers to deployment of thermal treatment will be identified, along with opportunities for collaboration, and this will be further exploited in other work packages.
WP contributors: VTT, Andra, Orano, CEA, GSL, LEI, NNL, ONDRAF-NIRAS, and VUJE.
WP3: Viability of treatment routes for selected waste stream/technology combinations (lead: NNL)The objective of this work package is to evaluate and demonstrate the application of selected thermal treatment technologies to radioactive waste management. Building on existing programmes in EU member states, this work package will be divided into tasks evaluating and demonstrating application of individual technologies (such as In-Container Vitrification, Plasma Treatment, Hot Isostatic Pressing and gasification) to specific wastes (e.g. ion exchange media, soft operational waste).
WP contributors: VTT, Andra, Orano, CEA, NNL, USFD, and VUJE.
WP4: Disposability of waste products (lead: ANDRA)The objective of this work package is to document criteria such as waste acceptance criteria (WAC) and requirements in terms of waste behaviour and waste performance for geological disposal and to assess the thermally treated wasteforms produced by the technology demonstrators (WP3) and from recent application of thermal treatment technology outside the project. Wasteforms and secondary waste will be characterised to evaluate their long-term performance and compatibility with other wasteforms in a geological disposal facility. Methodologies will be adapted to evaluate important parameters for disposal system safety assessment and so determine the level of interest in the use of thermal treatment.
WP contributors: VTT, Andra, Orano, CEA, GSL, FZJ, LEI, NNL, SCK•CEN, USFD, and VUJE.
WP5: Synthesis, Dissemination and Training (lead: Galson Sciences Ltd)The objective of this work package is to crystallise and disseminate knowledge of the outcomes of the project and their implications for radioactive waste treatment, storage and geological disposal within the technical community and more broadly. The work package will provide a periodic newsletter, a training workshop, a final project conference, and a project synthesis report, all intended to inform end users of project outputs. The synthesis report will draw together all activities of the project, identifying implications of the project for end users, in terms of the potential impact of adoption of thermal treatment on waste treatment, waste packaging, long-term storage and disposal facility design and safety for the range of disposal concepts and host rock types under consideration across the EU. It will also identify next steps required.
WP contributors: VTT, CEA, GSL, NNL, and USFD.